Concluding The Five Stages of Human Evolution

In my last blog, I continued a discussion of the five stages of human evolution by continuing with Stage Three: Experience, which had followed Stage Two, Knowledge, and Stage One: Belief Systems.  In this series of discussions, I am pushing the bounds of this blog by taking the concepts raised in my first book and moving them up to the next level.  Indeed, consider this a prelude to my second book as it outlines some of the research and concepts I’ll describe in book two.  However, as one would expect with any piece of research, you can’t expect to understand (or even agree with) every concept if you jump in at the Master’s level when you have not completed your baccalaureate studies.  For that reason, let me ask any who would venture forward to first ensure you’ve read my book, The Hidden Truth: A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to download and read the first half, available for FREE on the home//introduction page of my blog: and  Then, return to this blog and proceed with this prelude to Book Two.  We’re still a few years out from publication, given the amount of research that I put into my work, but I’m quite happy with the outlines and thesis-supporting research that is developing thus far. 

The Stages of Human Evolution:

Stage 4: Embodiment 

In Stage Two, Knowledge, we learn about the Law of Attraction, where whatever the mind focuses attention, effort and energy on tends to manifest in physical reality.  This can be a handy, if somewhat slow, tool to enhance the good and minimize the bad in our ever-challenging lives.  In Stage Three, Experience, we experience firsthand our connection to the Source and our ability to tap into that Source to manifest a better reality, such as healing our physical bodies or recovering lost knowledge.  The primary difference then between these lower stages and Stage Four, Embodiment, is the ability to continue to access our connection to the Source even when not in a Theta brainwave (deep trance) state.

In layman’s terms, the ‘bridge’ that is built between the subconscious, super-conscious and waking conscious during the trance-like state in the theta brainwave region, which allows access to the divine on a real-time basis, is absent in modern man during normal waking consciousness.  In more esoteric terms, it is like there is a veil of amnesia lowered over our waking consciousness that separates us from our memories of our connection to God, and living the divine ‘mystery’ experiences of Stage Three on a 24/7 basis.

However, there is some evidence that Stage Four humans have been born and lived among us already, and perhaps the best example would be Jesus the Nazarene.  If one can accept the miracle-laden accounts written about Jesus, it is clear that he was cognizant of His immediate connection to the Divine Source and was able to utilize that connection both to access information, manifested as teachings from the divine, and to manipulate energy, manifested as physical miracles and healings.

Of course Christianity does not have sole claim on religious miracle-working progenitors, so one might well argue that Stage Four humans have periodically been born throughout human history, perhaps to help society by leading and inspiring their fellow man to improve the collective condition.  In fact, many religions are based on such wise miracle workers who attempted to dictate the means by which their followers could continue their teachings even after their death.  Unfortunately, as Gnostic Christianity discovered, it is very difficult to hold onto the heart of the original teacher’s messages when blind dogma and authority are so much easier, more tangible, and (for the leaders) more predictable in outcome and control.

While these Stage Four-humans may well have been the recipients of extremely favorable genetics — to allow one access to the divine via bypassing the ‘veil of amnesia’ — it may also be possible that common man could begin to approach the capabilities of a Stage Four-human simply by practicing Stage Three connections to the divine on a daily basis, and attempting to expand that connection at each occurrence.  This would be like creating an Olympic-level Athlete: It doesn’t happen overnight and is only due to persistent and consistent practice; something on the order of 10,000 hours or more of practice.  As humanity comes to accept Stages Two and Three as reality, assuredly some will be willing to experience the Divine Source on a daily basis, and more Stage Four-humans may well begin manifesting in our current reality.  This manifestation would assuredly encourage more to follow and devote effort to the arduous path laid out by Jesus the Nazarene.

By communing daily with the Divine Source, those Stage Three- and Four-humans will be positively influenced by their experience, allowing love, acceptance and peace to grow in themselves, and by extension, in their communities.  Thus, they and everyone around them will be positively affected by their work, becoming a positive contagion and improving society at large.

Stage 5: Transcendence

I will only make a brief mention here of Stage Five-humanity because it is hard to describe something definitively that has not yet occurred and has only been glimpsed via esoteric means (eg. out-of-body experiences, future life progression, and channeling).

The best description I’ve found of Stage Five-humanity was in Robert Monroe’s Journeys Out of the Body book series where he described his encounters with mankind sometime after the year 3,000 CE.  Very few humans were alive on Earth at that time and the ones he encountered did not even occupy their human bodies on a full-time basis.  Rather they existed as energy constructs (souls) that were immediately connected to the Divine Source and only temporarily occupied their physical human forms to accomplish some specific task that required them to be physical – procreation, for example.  The advanced human body could subsist on either energy (light) or food, and did not die when it was left in a state of (perhaps best described as) suspended animation for extended periods of time.  With this arrangement, these advanced humans could live for very extended periods of time, and given their immediate spiritual connection to both God and each other, the problems of the past – war, strife, competition, etc. – were completely unknown.

Related research in Dolores Canon’s many books seems to indicate that humanity’s DNA was specifically changed many thousands of years ago due to problems in the past where mankind did not fare well at managing the high level of power this immediate connection to the Divine Source had enabled.  As such, our DNA was restricted and the veil of amnesia was created, separating us from our ability to realize (and thus access) our connection to God.  Her same research also claimed that as we are relearning our lessons now (i.e. progressing from Stages One to Three/Four), the restrictions placed on our DNA in the past will be removed and we will once again be able to access these heretofore hidden mental powers.  This therefore explains how humanity will slowly move forward into the higher stages as our culture becomes ready for such advancement.

How well we handle this increased power the next time around may determine whether we’re allowed to live in peace, as Robert Monroe observed, or whether we’re destroyed or destroy ourselves in a similar way as Atlantis.  One thing Robert Monroe did not elaborate on is how a growing population of more than six billion people on earth today suddenly dropped to a completely negligible number of advanced Stage Five-humans more than a thousand years in the future.  Can you imagine the calamity that would destroy more than 99.999999% of humanity?  Will we destroy ourselves again when we (re-)learn how to manipulate physical reality in real-time with nothing more than the power of our minds?  Or will some power from outside Earth have to again restrict our ability to cause pain because we can’t be trusted with the power of God in physical reality?  Only time will tell.

If you liked this blog article then I encourage you to ‘follow’ my blog through the link on this page. I post only about once a month on topics that expand on issues raised in my book, The Hidden Truth: A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life. Understanding my blog sometimes works best if you already have the background information from the scientific material presented in my book. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to download and read the first half of my book, available for FREE on the home//introduction page of my blog: and Thanks for reading!

Wade, author of The Hidden Truth, at

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